PHP_Debug : A PHP open source debug library

Change Log [xx] = SourceForge tracker ID

+-- PHP_Debug : A simple and fast way to debug your PHP code                  |
+--                                                                           |
+-- Support : Vernet Loïc (qrf_coil[at]yahoo[dot]fr)                          |

== RELEASE & CHANGES LOG [SourceForge ID] ======================================


/!\ = Major modification since previous release.

== V1.0.2 - aug 2008 (sourceforge release V2.1.4) ==============================

  - Removed w3c validation on the fly feature

== V1.0.1 - mar 2008 (sourceforge release V2.1.3) ==============================

  - Corrected
  - Corrected
  - [WEB] Added a testimonials page
  - Corrected symfony project url in credits (........)

== V1.0.0 stable - jan 2008 (sourceforge release V2.1.2) =======================

  - Added credits to symfony for the idea of the floating div renderer 
  - Added a link for a direct input W3C validation
  - Added warning for local W3C validation
  - Corrected html validation in the W3C tab (dooh!)
  - Changed main version number for the pear one
  - Switched package to stable state
  - Fixed typo in the database debug tab
  - [12078] Moved examples to doc role
  - [10919] Created a setStartTime method for the php_debugline class

(sourceforge releases)
== V2.1.1 - Apr 2007 ===========================================================

  - /!\ Changed the file structure of the class to follow pear standarts
  now you must require 'PHP/Debug.php' instead of 'Debug.php'
  - /!\ General otions do not need a 'DEBUG_' prefix any more
  - /!\ getDisplay() public function renamed to getOutput()
  - Added a tab with an optional W3C validation with Services_W3C_HTMLValidator
  - Added version number of php extensions when available
  - Changed the license from PHP license to MIT
  - All addDebug public functions are now returning the PHP_DebugLine object
  they have just created
  - Exception is raised if the watch method is used but disabled in the 
  options (remember this feature is highly unstable under windows)
  - Added file, line, class, function information when using dump method 
  with the die parameter (to prevent searching for the location of the call..)
  - Updated the info message when no database related debug available
  - __toString methods updated with an uppercase S
  - PHP_DebugLine class has now its own file (as all classes now)
  - Reviewed visiblity modifiers for all methods and attributes
  - All global constants switched to class constants
  - Corrected class naming and directory structure for renderers
  - Corrected @since doctags
  - Corrected globally file naming
  - Others minor change in code to strictly follow Pear CS

== V2.1.0 - Apr 2007 ===========================================================

  - The 3third parameter of dumpVar() function now tells to stop or not 
  	execution of the script
  - Package available as a Pear package or a standard zip
  - New nice floating div renderer that can be easly hidden from the display, 
  	it's the new default renderer of PHP_Debug (HTML_Div), the old HTML_Table
  	renderer can still be used
  - New public methods :
  	- queryRel(), for database related info
  	- getDisplay(), get buffer of infos instead of printing it
  	- getDebugBuffer(), retrieve all debug infos as an array
  	- addSetting, addSettings, add debugs of "settings" type
  - /!\ Main class is now named "PHP_Debug", instead of "Debug"
  - All child classes renamed with "PHP_Debug" prefix
  - /!\ HTML_Table, now css is included as an external resource
  	check option "HTML_TABLE_css_path".
  - Package directory structure modified to fit Pear standards

== V2.0.0 - Sept 2006 ==========================================================

  - All :)
  - PHP5 version, all code rewrited with Pear coding standards
  - PHP_Error handler
  - View source with Pear::Text_Highlighter
  - Variable watcher
  - New style
  - New friendly public function name
  - Automatic add of __FILE__, __LINE__
  - ...

== V1.1.1 - June 2005 ==========================================================

  - [1221786] corrected search function in IE.

== V1.1.0 - May 2005 ===========================================================

  - [1202500] Improved global design, css style sheet used.
  - [ 861991] Improved design of view source script, now using external script.
  - [1202367] Pear::SQL_Parser integration (you must enable Pear see FAQ)
  - [ 861919] Made output XHTML 1.0 strict compliant
  - [ 861983] Customize wich debug infos to display, debugmode implemented.
  - [1200031] Fixed font style when viewing source (source.php)
  - [1196959] Fixed style in FireFox

== V1.0 - Jan 2004 =============================================================

  (this version was never released)
  - [865955] Change the way DebugDisplay() function is called 
      /!\ New syntax is : DebugDisplay() ?>
  - [861986] Now big queries are displayed on multiple lines 
      (length is parametrable) 
  - [861988] Combo box to select only debug infos of a type
  - [861994] Search is case sensitive or not via a checkbox
  - [861981] Made source Code Pear standarts compliant
  - [862998] New debugline type, DEBUGLINE_SQLPARSE, (for SQL parsing)
  - [865778] Rewrite the way that Debug and DebugLine Object Communicate
      /!\ : Now debug object must be created with syntax : 
  - [862026] Mode DBG_MODE_OFF desactivate all public functions
  - [862998] New debugline type, DEBUGLINE_SQLPARSE, witch is for a SQL parse 
  - [862838] Added an anchor to access directly debug infos with an htlm link
  - [862011] Now all datas processing and formatting are made at debug display
  - [862078] Distinct query and explain links from query string
  - [861984] Enable or disable PHPMyAdmin links
  - [861927] Distinct view source and edit link from source path

== BETA1.0 - 14 Dec 2003 =======================================================

	- This is the initial release of the PHP_Debug Class

SQL Technologies
01-11-2008 21:09:53
» Design taken and adaptated from PHP::Pear website
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Last updated: 20 Apr 2007 by COil
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