phpDocumentor PHP_Debug
[ class tree: PHP_Debug ] [ index: PHP_Debug ] [ all elements ]


 * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * +-- PHP_Debug : A simple and fast way to debug your PHP code               |
 * +--                                                                        |
 * +-- Support : Vernet Loic (                              |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * |                                                                          |
 * | This PHP debug libray offers you the ability to debug your PHP code      |
 * |                                                                          |
 * | - Pear integration                                                       |
 * | - PHP Process time                                                       |
 * | - Database and query process time                                        |
 * | - Dump of all type of variable in a graphical way                        |
 * | - Functionnal debug                                                      |
 * | - Debug queries                                                          |
 * | - Show number of database queries executed                               |
 * | - Allow to search in all debug infos                                     |
 * | - Direct links to test queries in Phpmyadmin                             |
 * | - Show globals var ($GLOBALS, $_POST, $_GET ...)                         |
 * | - Enable or disable the debug infos you want to see                      |
 * | - Check performance of php code                                          |
 * | - Customize the general display of your debug                            |
 * | - ... ( see the doc for the complete specifications)                     |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

== PHP_Debug Project infos ====================================================

== Project Home : Sourge Forge

== Project Maintainer(s)

LEAD : COil (  It's me ! :)

Send of all your HELP / SUPPORT / INSTALL / CHANGE request to me.

== Documentation
	--> Check basic documentation in INSTALL
	--> Check full doc in "/documentation" or "/tests" (exemples)

== Tutorials
	--> Check tests directory.

== Installation Notes
	--> Check INSTALL

== Changes Logs / Release
	--> Check CHANGELOG

== Download / Check last version at :

== And What's next ?
	--> Check TODO

== Mailing Lists
	--> General :

== PHP_Debug ==================================================================

Documentation generated on Sun, 12 Jun 2005 14:52:13 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC3