phpDocumentor PHP_Debug
[ class tree: PHP_Debug ] [ index: PHP_Debug ] [ all elements ]


+-- PHP_Debug : A simple and fast way to debug your PHP code                  |
+--                                                                           |
+-- Support : Vernet Loic (                                 |

== PHP_Debug History ===========================================================

PHP_Debug has started like this :

$tab = "<table width=100%>";

function dbg($str)
	$tab .= "<tr><td>$str</td></tr>">;

I have improved it a little... :)
Since i code, i love to have lots of trace and debug informations in my progs,
that's why i decided to write this class. If you have any ideas, suggestion 
to do... You can use the sourceforge interface or feel free to email me.</p>

== PHP_Debug Website ( =================================

This website is open-source, feel free to copy/past if you find interestings
things (The show source link is on the bottom-left)

This site uses the following Pear packages :

	- Pear::XML_RSS to read RSS ressources from SourceForge.
		(Library install + code to parse RSS = 5 min !!!)</li>

	- Pear::Cache_Lite to cache the results of Pear::TXT_Highlighter</li>

	- Pear::TXT_Highlighter to display the nice colorized PHP code</li>

		Pear power ! :)

This site also uses and abuses the following PHP libraries :
	- PHP_Documentor ( generate the technical 

	- Smarty ( as the template engine<

	Thanks god to all of them and the open-source community !

== Contact =====================================================================

Simply email me at, i'll answer as quick as possible.

See u. COil

Documentation generated on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 00:36:08 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0