[ class tree: PHP_Debug ] [ index: PHP_Debug ] [ all elements ]


+-- PHP_Debug : A simple and fast way to debug PHP code                       |
+--                                                                           |
+-- Support : Vernet Loic (                              |
== INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ==================================================

- This is the standalone version.

- I will provide the Pear version soon
	( For this version Pear is not mandatory ( see )			
	    - Active manually Pear by setting 
	    	define ( 'DBG_VERSION' , DBG_VERSION_PEAR ); // line 42
			- Pear Package needed if Pear is activated : 
				- Var_Dump (

- Include the class in your php file. ( "sources/debug.php" )

- Things to do in order that view source functionnality works :
	1) Copy "sources/source.php" in a directory
	2) Then update the following variables of the debug object :
		$Dbg->ViewSourceScriptPath = "YourPathToViewSourceScript"; 	
			// Default "."
		$Dbg->ViewSourceScriptName = "NameOfViewSourceScript";
			// Default "source.php"

- Things to do in order that direct link to PHPMyAdmin works :
	1) Update the path of Phpmyadmyn and database name			
		$Dbg->PhpMyAdminUrl = ""; 			
			// Default ""
		$Dbg->DatabaseName = "mysql";								
			// Default "mysql"

( Check full synopsis below for example )

== MINIMAL SYNOPSIS : tests/debug_test_min.php ================================



$Dbg = new Debug();

print("<h1>PHP_Debug :: Hello World !!</h1>");

$Dbg->addDebug("DEBUG INFO",DBGLINE_STD,__FILE__,__LINE__);

$Dbg->DebugDisplay( (
	isset($_REQUEST["DBG_SEARCH"]) ? $_REQUEST["DBG_SEARCH"] : "") );


== FULL SYNOPSIS ==============================================================

 * Full Tutorial
 * @package PHP_Debug
 * @filesource

print("<html><head></head><body bgcolor=white><h1>PHP_Debug :: Hello World !!</h1>");

// =================================================================================

// Include the Debug Class

// Create the debug object with passing the current file name
$Dbg = new Debug();

// == Change default settings of debug object ======================================

// Set url of view source script
$Dbg->ViewSourceScriptPath = ".";
$Dbg->ViewSourceScriptName = "source.php";

// Set PHPMyAdmin config
$Dbg->PhpMyAdminUrl = "";
$Dbg->DatabaseName = "mysql";

// Use _REQUEST array instead of _GET + _POST + _FILES + _COOKIE arrays
$Dbg->UseRequestArr = false;

// == Then we can add debug infos :) ===============================================

// Add current processed file

// Define Action
$action = "PHP_DEBUG_BASIC";
// Debug current action processed

// This the simplest debug info ( see full doc for debugline type constants )
$Dbg->addDebug("This is my first debug info !",DBGLINE_STD,__FILE__,__LINE__);

// Let's debug a query
$field = "host, user";
$table = "user";
$sql = "SELECT $field FROM $table";

// Add the query in the debug infos

// Now we ckeck the process time of the query, start timer

// ... Execute you query ... 
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 100000 ; $i++ ) { $z = $i; }
// ... Execute you query ...

// Now we stop the timer ( same function with same parameter )

// Check CPU Process time of a part of code

// How many iterations ?
$PerfCpt = 300000;

// Text of the debug info
$Dbg->addDebug("Analyse the performance of a <b>for</b> statement of $PerfCpt iterations.",DBGLINE_STD,__FILE__,__LINE__);

// Start the process time evaluation
$z = 0;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 300000 ; $i++ )
	$z = $i;
	// ... your code ...
// Stop the process time evaluation

// Let's debug an array...
// We can also call this function with debug object  "Dbg->DumpArr($arr,'Debug Variable $arr (array) Function DumpArr()');"

$arr = array(	array( 	1 => "aaaaaaa" , 
					 	2 => "bbbbb" ) , 

				array(	7 => "ccccccc" , 
						8 => "dddddd" ), 
				"The Array Says..." => "I'am an array, you can easly see what is inside of me with PHP_Debug, This class rox !  :p"

Debug::DumpArr($arr,'Debug Variable $arr (array) Function DumpArr()');

// ... or include it in the debug infos.
$Dbg->addDebug($arr,DBGLINE_OBJECT,__FILE__,__LINE__,'Debug Variable $arr (array) Function DumpObj(), (same as DumpObj() is Pear disabled)');

// You can debug the debug object itelf, remove comment to see what is inside.
//Debug::DumpArr($Dbg,'Debug Object');

// Now dislay the debug infos ( End of page or wherever you want )
// ( Eventually passing a string to search and the mode of debug display )

$Dbg->DebugDisplay( (isset($_REQUEST["DBG_SEARCH"]) ? $_REQUEST["DBG_SEARCH"] : "") , DBG_MODE_AUTO );

// == Check documentation for full details. :) ===========================================


Documentation generated on Mon, 15 Dec 2003 18:46:42 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.2.3