Todo List
Descive all info and methode for a debug line, file location, color, type of debug, debug buffer, formatted debug buffer title of debug variable if applicable
[line 1194]
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mixed DebugLine( string $str, integer $DebugType, string $file, string $line, string $title, mixed $CellColor, mixed $CellBoldStatus, mixed $PhpMyAdminUrl, mixed $DatabaseName)
_Location is Automatically created at object instantation. Then the formatted debug HTML row is created.
string getDebugLineString( )
string getPhpMyAdminUrl( )
void setPhpMyAdminUrl( string $phpmyadmin_url)
string _BuildDebugLineLocation( string $file, string $line)
Check is $file and $line, build the location with available datas, if nothing return a default Info message.
void _BuildDisplayString( )
Depending on the DebugType the formatted debug line is build. DebugDisplayString is built. One case by debug type.
void _BuildHtmlPreCell( )